Why AI is the future of digital marketing and how to leverage it.

published on 07 March 2022

In this article, we will understand how to use a chatbot to increase a company's conversion rate. Most companies using automated chat for business are focused on how AI can increase leads, conversions, and revenue. Chatbots and conversational

AI enable companies to leverage customer experience to gain a competitive advantage and increase profits. Lead generation chatbots not only help convert website visitors, but can also be used to collect selected information from leads.

A lead generation chatbot not only takes care of the bottom of the funnel, but can also support the entire conversion process. Lead generation chatbots use a conversational approach to collect information about customers, guide them through the process of buying or qualifying leads.

Since lead generation chatbots collect data, they can also help you better understand your target audience and identify potential customers by collecting information about them.

Smart chatbots can engage your prospects in conversations, understand visitor intent, request contact details, and generate leads that sales reps can use. Chatbots can also help by targeting basic queries from different visitors to your social media platform, increasing the chances of converting visitors into leads. Chatbots here can help alleviate pain points by removing friction from the customer journey and adding value to customers.

Now, we'll take a look at how chatbot integration can really benefit traffic generation and conversions, as well as various useful chatbot platforms to help you drive traffic and increase conversions. To understand how chatbot integration affects traffic conversion, we first need to understand what chatbot integration is. Now let's see how to improve customer loyalty through chatbot integration.


By using conversational AI chatbots as part of your marketing efforts, help your customers move smoothly through the sales funnel. Marketing chatbots are becoming an incredibly powerful marketing tool for businesses to increase customer engagement and lead qualifications through dynamic communication skills.

Chatbots are attractive to your customers because they mimic the flow of a simple conversation. Chatbots are a fun way to convert your anonymous web traffic into leads.

Chatbots have gone from responding to customer complaints to increasing overall website conversion rates by over 40%. These are tools that visitors find engaging and engaging: they help customers move up the sales funnel and increase conversions.

Chatbots have come a long way from their robotic, FAQ-style interaction.

Eze Sunday Eze from Medium discusses the functionality of chatbots, how complex they are, and how they can improve customer conversion rates. What's more, a chatbot can be deployed anywhere... and in order to optimize your conversion rate, you need to know how to use these chatbots effectively.

When implemented correctly, these bots should be able to collect useful information from a website visitor, provide them with the assistance they need instantly, move potential customers down the funnel, and identify good and bad leads.

Users can ask the chatbot questions, and the chatbot responds immediately. When a user makes a support request, the chatbot can provide personalized shopping suggestions based on the customer’s purchase history and preferences, allowing for an accurate response and further advancing the conversation. The best thing about chatbots is that you can tailor conversations based on where your customers are in the buyer’s journey.

With a chatbot, you want to experiment with different greetings, responses, and buttons. The thing is, some people don't like filling out message forms, and chatbots are perfect for that. Reduce and simplify sales steps in digital businesses that require conversations with chatbots. Some chatbot builders even allow seamless integration between marketing and sales applications, making it easy to track leads and conversations to ensure a seamless experience from bot to sales team.

eBay Case Study
eBay Case Study

The eBay ShopBot chatbot app is a great example of real-time customer support. Chatbots allow you to reach more website visitors with the ability to customize the interaction to suit your business needs, be it lead generation or customer support. Your website visitors can come from different marketing channels and you can customize your chatbot scripts based on where your user is coming from.

Today, online businesses can also use live chat to actively attract visitors and convert more leads. You can integrate PPC campaigns with chatbots, create lead magnets, add graphics to your conversations, A/B test your website, and engage in proactive conversations with Hybrid.

Chat lead generation chatbots. Lead magnets are known to increase conversions, and chatbots do this well. Lead-engaging chatbots encourage your customers or prospects to convert and feed their information to the chatbot for controlled content such as guides, white papers, webinar recordings, and more.

Make sure that no matter where the prospect is in the sales funnel and what they're doing on your website... the chatbot is always there to grab some information and deliver it.

Chatbots also record conversations and collect useful information such as customer contact numbers and email addresses.

The data collected by the chatbot can be customized for pricing information, case studies, demos, recorded webinars, contact forms, comparison charts, presentations and testimonials. We can say that chatbots are a fairly necessary aspect of modern business and is the future of digital marketing.

P.S. This article post was written by  an A.I. ;-)
